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  • How is a player selected for a KAFC team?
    All current KAFC players must tryout each year along with the players new to the club. Players are evaluated by KAFC coaches.
  • When are tryouts held?
    KAFC’s tryouts are a two-day event typically being held in February for High school aged boys and April-May for all other age groups.
  • Can my child tryout out and play up in age?
    Any child that wants to play up in age must obtain permission from the Director of Coaching. Please review our play-up policy for more information.
  • Can my child be a “training only” player?
    Yes. Kitsap Alliance will determine each request on an individual basis with the final decision at the discretion of the Director of Coaching with feedback from the team coach. Players will register as a “training only” player and be required to pay the monthly fee associated with this service. To register for an evaluation please use our registration system.
  • How many players are on a team?
    Team roster sizes are mandated by the RCL. U10 teams can have a maximum of 12 players on the roster. U11 – U12 teams can have a maximum of 16 players on the roster. U13 – U14 teams can have a maximum of 18 players on the roster. U15 – U19 teams can have a maximum of 22 players on the roster
  • What are the fees associated with KAFC?
    Tuition. Tuition (program fees) will cover the following player and team expense; Association, State, National and Regional Club League registration fees; RCL League scheduling; facility/field use for training and games; referee fees; club insurance fees; individual player insurance fees; coach’s fees; and club administrative costs. Please visit our Player Fees & Costs page for the most up to date fees. Uniforms. Our uniform supplier is the retailer Uniform expenses are the responsibility of the player. Uniforms are purchased every two years. 2019 was a new uniform year. The estimated cost (before shipping and tax) for all required pieces is approximately $300.00. Tournaments. Approximately $50 per tournament, plus any related travel costs. Each team will participate in a minimum of 2 summer tournaments as well as State Cup in Jan-Feb (HS Boys) and March-April (for all other qualifying teams). HS age teams will participate in 1-2 college showcases; younger teams will participate in tournaments specific to their growth. Tournament fees are the responsibility of the player/parents. Each family contributes to the team tournament fees whether playing or not. Volunteer Hours: Each family is required to contribute 5 hours a year of volunteer work towards the club. If you want to “opt out” of the volunteer hours, the club offers the option of buying out your hours at the rate of $20 per hour. Two payments of $50 will be automatically added to each player’s account (1st in July, 2nd in Jan) if hours have not been met.
  • Are there player grants/scholarships available?
    Yes. Please see the Player Grant Assistance Policy and Application to see if you qualify.
  • When does the season start and end?
    Kitsap Alliance FC is a year-round soccer program. Tryouts will be held in in spring and training will begin immediately after tryouts. The season can be broken down into 3 phases: Summer tournaments, Fall/Winter RCL league play & State Cup.
  • How often are practices and games?
    Teams will practice at least 2, but most likely 3 times per week. Games typically start in September and run through March. Games are played on weekends.
  • What is the attire for training?
    Practice jersey, black shorts, black socks and shin guards are REQUIRED for training. Practice jersey can be ordered when purchasing uniforms. No jewelry, of any kind, can be worn during training.
  • How much travel is involved?
    Tournament travel varies by team. KAFC plays in the Regional Club League which is comprised of clubs throughout the State. Travel will be dependent on which teams are in your division. In some cases, travel will be minimal. In others, you may have 1 or more games involving extensive travel.
  • Do the goalkeepers receive individual training?
    Yes, Kitsap Alliance FC provides keeper development training to those currently playing in this position or to those that are interested in the position. KAFC has its own goalkeeper coach who provides this quality, specialized training.
  • What is the Kitsap Alliance FC refund policy?
    If a player sustains a long-term injury or relocates, a pro-rated refund will be issued with proper documentation.

Kitsap Alliance FC is Kitsap Peninsula's premier youth soccer organization. We have players from Kitsap, Clallam, Jefferson and Mason Counties, from Shelton to Port Angeles. We offer professional coaching and training environments for players 5-18 years of age. 
Learn more

Kitsap Alliance Premier Football Club Youth Soccer Kitsap Mason Clallam Jefferson Soccer Academy

Contact Us

Address: PO Box 828, Silverdale, WA 98383


Contact Number: 360.472.2195

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© 2021 Kitsap Alliance Premier Football Club.  All Rights Reserved.

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